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Home Overview Splashtop Classroom Screen Sharing Electronic Remote Education Software
Splashtop Classroom Screen Sharing Electronic Remote Education Software
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Splashtop Classroom Screen Sharing Electronic Remote Education Software截图 Splashtop Classroom Screen Sharing Electronic Remote Education Software截图 Splashtop Classroom Screen Sharing Electronic Remote Education Software截图 Splashtop Classroom Screen Sharing Electronic Remote Education Software截图 Splashtop Classroom Screen Sharing Electronic Remote Education Software截图
Splashtop Classroom Screen Sharing Electronic Remote Education Software
Splashtop Classroom screen shareware allows teachers to share their desktops and applications. After connecting, students can directly view, control, and annotate course content from their own devices.
Cloud Local deployment
1 computer+3 people watching 1 computer+40 people watching
1 Year Lifetime
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{{ info.promotion.title }}
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{{ info.advancePromotion.title }}
Preview of seckill, event price: {{ info.advancePromotion.skus_infos[sku.sku].promotion_price }} CNY
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{{ item.spec_desc }}
{{ item.user.nickname }} In {{ item.created_at }} Start Still need {{ item.left_count }}x Pending Group Buying, some users have not paid

Activity Rules

1、Activity time:{{ info.groupon.start_at }} ~ {{ info.groupon.end_at }}。

2、Validity period of the Group Buying:{{ info.groupon.expire_days * 24 }} hours。

3、Number of Group Buying:{{ info.groupon.need_count }}x。

Please Pay Attention

1、Teamwork process: Join/initiate a Group Buying and make a successful payment - Within the validity period, the number of team members meets the activity requirements - Group Buying succeeded!

2、If the number of participants cannot be met within the valid period, the group will fail, and the paid amount will be refunded in the original way.

3、The number of people required and the time of the event may vary among different products. Please pay attention to the rules of the event.

Splashtop Classroom Screen Sharing Electronic Remote Education Software

Splashtop Classroom Screen Sharing Electronic Remote Education Software

Cloud -1 computer+3 viewers -1 year subscription
Cloud -1 computer+40 viewers -1 year subscription
Local deployment -1 computer+40 viewers - Lifetime version
Local deployment -1 computer+40 viewers -1 year subscription
{{ info.sku.spec_desc }}

{{ item.name }}

{{ item.rate }}
{{ sku.spec_desc }}
{{ item.sku.spec_desc }}
{{ selectedCombos.count }} items
Selected  {{ selectedCombos.count }}  items,Add to cart
{{ item }} ({{ app.qa.questionsData.total }})

Splashtop Classroom

Splashtop Classroom 屏幕共享软件允许教师共享其桌面和应用程序。连接后,学生可以直接从自己的设备查看,控制和注释课程内容。


  1. 从 iPad 或 Android 设备连接到 PC / Mac
  2. 从讲台后面走出来,改善教室管理和学生的注意力
  3. 坐在学生旁边,同时保持课程的进度

iPad 作为交互式白板

  1. 将您的移动设备和计算机变成交互式白板使用iPad或Android设备上的工具栏在计算机屏幕上绘制,突出显示或覆盖任何内容。
  2. 拍摄屏幕快照,保存,然后与学生分享
  3. 记录屏幕并保存为视频以供查看或供学生以后观看
  4. 在活动挂图背景上绘制或包含自己的工作表
  5. 使用聚光灯和屏幕阴影工具使学生保持专注


  1. 共享任何应用程序-甚至流视频
  2. 无需重新格式化移动设备的内容
  3. 无需提前上传文件
  4. 学生只需使用 QR码参加会议
  5. 支持学生 iPad,iPhone,Android 设备,Chromebook 和 PC 和 Mac 上的 Chrome 浏览器。只需为任何平台下载免费的 Splashtop Classroom屏幕共享应用程序。 Keynote、PowerPoint、网站、Word 文档、FLASH视频、在线测验。实际上可以是任何东西!


  1. 共享任何应用程序-甚至流视频
  2. 让学生互动而无需离开座位
  3. 选择一个或一组学生
  4. 使用应用内白板工具轻松捕捉想法
  5. 高性能–学生可以实时查看任何应用程序。甚至视频!
  6. 非常适合视力障碍学生

支持 1:1 和 BYOD 计划



  1. 轻松管理数百名教师和学生使用
  2. Splashtop Classroom 的本地版本集中购买–无需教师或学生付款
  3. 集中管理–通过管理控制台,您可以邀请和使用策略来管理用户和设备
  4. 包括了教师的所有内容–远程桌面,注释和 PC / Mac 共享
  5. 安全–安装在服务器上,防火墙后面并使用 Active Directory。无需访问第三方服务器。所有连接均已完全加密。
Splashtop Classroom Screen Sharing Electronic Remote Education Software LOGO

Official website:https://www.splashtop.cn/cn/classroom

Download Center:https://splashtop-classroom.apsgo.cn

Backup Download:N/A

Delivery time:Manual online processing of orders

Operating platform:Windows、macOS、Android、iOS

Interface language:Supports Chinese interface display, with multiple languages available.

Update instructions:Use and free software updates during the subscription period.

Pre purchase trial:7-day free trial.

How to receive the goods:After purchase, the activation information will be sent via email to the email address at the time of placing the order.

Number of devices:There is no limit to the number of devices on the control end, and authorization comes with the account. The number of views is limited to the number of purchases.

Replacing the computer:Uninstall the original computer and activate the new computer.

Activation guidance:To be added.

Special instructions:To be added.

reference material:https://www.splashtop.cn/cn/classroom

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